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Monday, December 17, 2012

A Few Words About Carbohydrates By Michaelson Williams

When we are forming new, healthy eating habits, it often seems carbohydrates are part of the food source we try to eliminate. This makes sense because complex carbohydrates such as white rice and potatoes, pasta, and bread are foods which quickly turn into sugars in our body. These carbohydrate sugars turn into fat faster than any other food product we can take in; carbohydrates go into our fatty storage cells if our metabolism is unable to burn them off.

But in my experience as a personal trainer and a bodybuilder, I know how drastically reducing carbohydrates in the diet can cause mood swings. One client whom I put on a reduced carbohydrate food plan became testier towards the workout regimen as the level of carbohydrates decreased. This client -- a very nice person -- experienced negative mood changes and mood swings during our session because of the low level of complex carbohydrates he was taking it. This has happened with both male and female clients.

One of the ways to help prevent the mood swings of lowering carbohydrates while changing food habits is to eat the major portions of carbohydrates in the morning as your first meal. When you wake up in the morning your body is basically empty because it's metabolized all of the food that you ate the previous night. This means the digestive system, metabolism and fatty stores have completed their task. When you wake in the morning, your body is prepared to be fueled and can metabolize a higher level of complex carbohydrates than it can later in the day. I'm sure you've heard the expression "breakfast is the most important meal of the day". That expression is absolutely true in how we fuel our body and how we metabolize complex carbohydrates.

After the major complex carbohydrate meal has been consumed as the first meal, every meal thereafter the complex carbohydrates should be consumed in moderation. If you are the type of person who loves to eat baked pasta meals at lunch or at dinner and you enjoy a second helping, you're going to have to practice moderation. Motivate yourself to eat moderately, and be conscious of your body's signals of satiety. Our stomachs are actually full 15 minutes prior to the brain sending the signal that we are full. This means there is no need for the second helping.

The second helping during the meal takes a body from full to stuffed, and we know what happens when we're stuffed: we get tired, we get the lethargic, and we want to lie down and rest. I call this after dinner hibernation. After dinner hibernation is the state in which you get up from the table, sit down on the couch, pull up a blanket, click on the television, and usually fall asleep for a postprandial nap in order to digest the meal you have eaten. If you eat the majority of your complex carbohydrates early in the day and only in moderation after that, you can avoid the hibernation effect - and the effects it has on your body and weight.

By using little tricks and tips such as creating a different table place setting for yourself or switching the timing of your favorite indulgence, you are gaining control of your eating habits and your diet. You should always think of new and creative ways to be in control of your diet and eating plans and not have what you eat (or don't eat) control you. You can lose weight without dieting. I will repeat this and you should say it to yourself, "You can lose weight without dieting." What I did not say is you can reach your target weight without dieting. Dieting or changing your way of eating will have a great impact on how you lose weight, if your weight loss is healthy, and whether you can maintain it.

At some stage in the healthy eating process, eating healthy has to become an afterthought. If you are obese and you have poor eating habits now, it's probably because your unhealthy eating habits are pretty much an afterthought. The way you eat now is not in the forefront of your mind because it's part of the habit or ritual. The conscious mind does not have to think about the unhealthy foods you are eating. This is where you want to get with healthy eating.

But if you were to switch and start eating healthfully, it would then be in the forefront of your mind every single moment of that healthy meal. Eating healthy would be a conscious thought and conscious decision at every turn. You would be counting calories, measuring things out, wondering whether to eat spinach or carrots, concerned about monitoring carbohydrate intake. You would also be thinking about anything you are doing or eating that may be a setback. Any cheat or unhealthy eating you did then come to the forefront of your thinking.
As discussed, individuals who go from eating burgers and fries to eating soy or salmon may start to build resentment toward the healthy eating. Healthy eating then becomes a negative motivation and you return back to the place in which you started. So take small steps, as described.

Now that you have an appreciation for the types of changes to make, a recognition of some common eating triggers, and tips to defuse those diet-downers, in the next chapter I'll talk about motivations, accountability, and goal-setting, to help the changes that you make stick.
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